
Ashlee staff photo

Practice Manager

Our Practice Manger Ash has been working in Medical Administration for over 10 years originally starting with U Physio as a receptionist back in 2016. Ash has experience working in GP, Radiology, Specialist and Allied Health Practices and as a result now has a vast knowledge in the area of Medical Administration. If you have met her in clinic you will know she loves a chat (and a coffee). She has built and maintained great communication with our regular clients and strives to ensure all clients both new and returning are looked after and that their experience with U Physio is a positive one. 

Growing up in Shellharbour she has always loved the beach and has chosen to stay in the area with her husband and 3 kids. On the weekends you will find them surfing, moto riding, camping or hanging out with their golden retrievers! 

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