U Podiatry injection therapies

Our Podiatrist has done extensive further training in injections therapies and post graduate prescribing to be able to deliver Injection services to our patients.  

The benefits of this is to be able to deliver an alternative, fast, safe and convenient pain management options here in our clinic. 

We are to provide Cortisone, Glucose and Local anesthetic injections on site. 

What conditions are treated

 Cortisone can treat heel pain and plantar Fasciitis, neuroma, osteoarthritis of ankle, foot, toes, painful scarring, nerve entrapments and painful acute inflammatory conditions of the foot.  

Glucose can be 5-25% and can treat- neuroma, nerve entrapments and nerve pain, Achilles Tendinosis and heel pain, plantar fascia pains, osteoarthritis of knee and ankle, toes. 

It be used to treat acute to chronic and acute musculoskeletal conditions by stimulating  proliferation of new cells and activating the body’s natural healing response.

Local Anesthetic can be used with or without Glucose and Cortisone. It can be used to temporarily numb a region and even switch off painful mediators, resting pain signals sometimes permanently. It can be used to hydrodilate (infuse) a region of the foot to reduce scarring and entrapments.

Further Information-If you feel you may benefit from these procedures book an appointment with our Podiatrist who can assess your suitability, refer you for bulk billed imaging if required and schedule the most appropriate Injection for your condition. 

She will provide you with education on pre and post injection care.  Pain associated is most often minimal. Side effects are not common and our Podiatrist will discuss any questions or concerns you in depth before the Injection. 

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