Our podiatry team can assess and manage most lower limb issues, including orthotics, biomechanical assessment, in grown toenails, as well as routine foot care (callus, bunions, and nail cutting).
Podiatry is available with Karina and at the U Physio Unanderra Clinic Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Podiatry services at U Physio include:
3D printed custom orthotics– 3D scanned and printed orthotics professionally prescribed and customised for a range of conditions shoe and foot types.
Ingrown specialist therapy– Clearance of painful ingrown toenails with or without local anaesthetic. Surgical partial or total nail avulsion options available for permanent removal of part or full nail.
Biomechanical assessment- in depth assessment of the kinetic chain and foot to assess function and force that may lead to pathology and interventions
Surgical pre and post operative checks-identification of when surgical interventions may be required and advice on the process. Referral on as appropriate. Post operative rehabilitation from progressive loading and exercises to facilitating recovery with gait analysis. We can work with your specialist to implement the best approach to treatment.
Our Senior Podiatrist has spent time on rotations with Podiatric and orthopaedic surgical observations and completed basic surgical skills education training through the Australian College of Podiatric surgeons.
Injection therapies- Injection therapy for acute and chronic injuries ranging from corticosteroid injections to glucose and local aesthetic injection for prolotherapy.
Prolotherapy stimulates proliferation of healing cells for chronic injuries. Hydrodissection of nerves and adhesions also.
Corticosteroid reduces pain and inflammation at the site of the injury allowing it to heal. Our Podiatrist is endorsed to prescribe scheduled medicines and can perform this in most cases on site.
Heel arch foot pain-Diagnosis of pain in and around the heel region including plantar fascia and heel spur treatment options.
Bunion assessment-classification of bunion stages and preventative conservative treatments versus surgical options. Specialist referral can be discussed.
Forefoot pain-assessment of forefoot pain for pathology such as neuroma (nerve thickening), bursitis ( inflammation of anatomical fluid filled sack), metatarsal stress fractures (fractures commonly into the long bones of toes not always seen on xray) and plantar plate tears (tears to the ligament of the joint and toe. Most appropriate intervention prescribed
Lower limb tendon injuries– tendon injuries from mild to end stage diagnosis and treatment plans. Commonly seen are Achilles tendinopathies with or without spurs, peroneal tendinopathies and Posterior tibialis tendinopathy/dysfunction.
Strapping and manual therapies– advice and application of short-term strappings and manual treatments for the feet. This aids the patient in managing their foot rehabilitation at home.
Pre-fabricated orthotic and brace fittings– Appropriate fit of camboots or surgical sandals to off load injuries temporarily. Pre-fabricated orthotic fittings (if appropriate for patients foot type).
General nail care-experts in treatment of hard to manage, thick or curved nails. Experts in Diabetic and high-risk foot patients. Callous, corn and hard skin removal and treatment options discussed.
Laser– Class 4 (hot laser) for the treatment of soft tissue, bony and vascular issues. Class 4 laser uses wavelengths of light to penetrate the tissue and facilitate cellular proliferation and stimulates a cellular healing response. Very effective for arthritis, fractures, tendinopathies.
Class 4 laser can also be used as a fungal nail treatment. A different setting helps to cauterise fungal nail infections allowing new nail growth. Excellent treatment option for fungal nails with minimal side effects. Usually involves 3- 6 sessions. An effective alternative option for infections that require oral therapy, but the patient can not tolerate or take.
Shockwave– mechanical energy via shockwave used to stimulate and vascularise region of tissue pain. Usually a course of 4-6 sessions. Conditions treated include Plantar Fasciopathy, Achilles tendinopathy, slow healing tissue and bone injuries.
Fungal nails advice– assessment and diagnosis and plan implemented. Options for treatment include topical versus oral assessment. Discussion of laser therapy an alternate option with minimal side effects but the same efficacy rates. Combination treatment also implemented.
Management of arthritic conditions– pain management with footwear advice, orthotics, non-pharmacological versus pharmacological treatment e.g. heat, ice, compression, exercise therapy, footwear reviews, heel wedges.
Wound care and assessment –Assessment of causes of wounds and inhibitors of healing addressed. Appropriate dressing choice/monitoring and referralas needed. Wound care plan implemented in conjunction with GP and nurses and other health professionals if required.
Footwear assessment and recommendation-Recommendation of footwear types and brands and identification of poor fitting footwear.
Diabetic foot checks- Assessment of stages of diabetic foot and discussion on any complications or changes. Neurological testing, dermatological, vascular checks including doppler. Footwear review. Full report to GP and regular communication with other health professionals to monitor foot health.
Paediatric foot assessments-Assessment of children’s foot joint range of motions, muscle testing and gait analysis. Examination for growth plate issues. Monitoring for alignment and overuse injuries and appropriate interventions such as orthotics/footwear/exercise and stretching program if required.
Dry needling therapy- Painlesssuperficial dry tissue needling using tiny needles to stimulate body’s own healing response to reduce painful inflammation and pathology.
Imaging- Ordering and reviewing and interpretations of x rays and scans can be performed on site with our experienced Podiatrists.
Fracture management– acute and chronic fractures and stress fractures. Diagnosis, assessment of healing inhibitors and management (including delayed and poor healing fractures) can be performed by experienced team of Podiatrists. Integration with physiotherapy on site as needed.
Prescription of scheduled medicines and commitment to further study– Our Podiatrist’s value continued professional development and evidence-based practise. They are members of the Australian Podiatry association and complete regular seminars to state up to date with the latest treatment pathways.
Our Senior Podiatrist has completed several years of further study to gain endorsement of scheduled medicines allowing for limited prescribing rights without GP referral needed.