Sports & Remedial Massage

Sports & Remedial Massage service photo

Sports and Remedial Massage is specific Massage Therapy tailored to your individual needs. It involves hands on massage therapy techniques to all areas of the body experiencing muscular tightness and pain.

Experiencing soreness from office work and too many hours at the desk?
Let our highly skilled Remedial Massage Therapists help relieve your muscular pain and stress.

Trying to get back to exercise or training for something specific?
Our Sports Massage Therapists can aid in recovery so you can continue to achieve the most out of your training. We also offer pre and post event treatment to help maximise your performance.

U Physiotherapy has a brand new dedicated massage room, set up to give you the relaxing massage experience you deserve.

Click to book now!

All of our Sports and Remedial Massage services are health fund rebateable.

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