Dry needling

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Dry needling is a technique used by physical therapists, and other healthcare professionals to treat muscular pain and trigger points. The procedure involves inserting thin, solid needles into specific points in the body, typically in muscles or connective tissues, to stimulate a healing response and release muscle tension.

Unlike acupuncture, which is based on traditional Chinese medicine and focuses on balancing the body’s energy flow, dry needling is based on Western medicine principles and targets muscular pain and dysfunction. The needles used in dry needling are typically much thinner than those used in acupuncture, and they are inserted directly into trigger points or tight bands of muscle to promote relaxation and relieve pain.

Dry needling is believed to help reduce muscle tension, promote blood flow to the affected area, and release endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers. It can be effective in treating a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, such as muscle strains, tendonitis, chronic pain, and sports injuries.

It is important to note that dry needling should only be performed by trained and qualified healthcare professionals who have completed specialized training in the technique. Patients may experience some discomfort during the procedure, but many report immediate pain relief and improved range of motion following dry needling treatments.

Dry needling is not suitable for all clients and your treating practitioner will discuss if this is a suitable treatment for you! 

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